Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What have the hamsters been up to?

Hi all hamster fans! Today is the first episode of "What have the hamsters been up to?". So last night, I sore both my hamsters were awake and decided to take one at a time out for "Desk time" Desk time is where I let the hamsters run around the desk with me supervising them of course. First up was Sunny, she was very happy to have desk time, She just relaxed on my desk with me. They give me great company while on my desk :). She was very interested in hearing me type on the keyboard haha.

Durring Desk time I also give them treats, In this cage Sunny is enjoying some Papaya treats. There called Kaytee healthy toppings. Sunny loves enjoying treats on my desk. :) If you didn't already know Sunny has gotten a new cage, It's a 20 gallon long, I really recommend it. It's nice a big, Sunny has settled in the last few weeks very nicely. I love how the mini guinea pig statue I have on my desk is in the picture. :)

Ginger has been very good. She was enjoying running around my desk. She liked the Papaya treat which is a strange but a good thing, she never really ate or liked the Papaya treats, only when I first bought her. I am glad she likes them occasionally again now :) For Valentines day the pets got lots of love.

As you can see....Ginger couldn't help but to play with the Nut Knot Nibbler toy from Super pet that I bought for my friend Christina (Guineapiggoddess1). Sorry Christina! I think that It might have a nibble mark or two in it ;D. Well I hope you all like this series I will be starting and if you do please comment letting me know :). To see more cute hamminess go to my youtube channel, Dazzleglass721.
Talk soon,
Daienna & her pets

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